full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Dan Gartenberg: The brain benefits of deep sleep -- and how to get more of it

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Here's an image of someone's brain waves from the study that we conducted. See the bottom panel? This shows the sound being played at that burst frequency. Now look at the brain waves in the upper part of the graph. You can see from the graph that the sound is actually piduroncg more of these regenerative delta wvaes. We larneed that we could accurately trcak sleep without hokonig people up to electrodes and make people sleep deeper. We're continuing to develop the right sound environment and sleep habitat to irvpmoe people's sleep health.

Open Cloze

Here's an image of someone's brain waves from the study that we conducted. See the bottom panel? This shows the sound being played at that burst frequency. Now look at the brain waves in the upper part of the graph. You can see from the graph that the sound is actually _________ more of these regenerative delta _____. We _______ that we could accurately _____ sleep without _______ people up to electrodes and make people sleep deeper. We're continuing to develop the right sound environment and sleep habitat to _______ people's sleep health.


  1. hooking
  2. learned
  3. track
  4. waves
  5. improve
  6. producing

Original Text

Here's an image of someone's brain waves from the study that we conducted. See the bottom panel? This shows the sound being played at that burst frequency. Now look at the brain waves in the upper part of the graph. You can see from the graph that the sound is actually producing more of these regenerative delta waves. We learned that we could accurately track sleep without hooking people up to electrodes and make people sleep deeper. We're continuing to develop the right sound environment and sleep habitat to improve people's sleep health.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
brain waves 9
deep sleep 8
delta waves 6
regenerative delta 3
circadian rhythm 2
sleep health 2
poor sleep 2
waking life 2
sleep deeper 2
burst frequency 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
regenerative delta waves 3

Important Words

  1. accurately
  2. bottom
  3. brain
  4. burst
  5. conducted
  6. continuing
  7. deeper
  8. delta
  9. develop
  10. electrodes
  11. environment
  12. frequency
  13. graph
  14. habitat
  15. health
  16. hooking
  17. image
  18. improve
  19. learned
  20. panel
  21. part
  22. people
  23. played
  24. producing
  25. regenerative
  26. shows
  27. sleep
  28. sound
  29. study
  30. track
  31. upper
  32. waves